Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Best Cake Ever

That's really all that needs to be said about this cake. It is pastry perfection.

Cake Day this week was Monday, in honor of Labor Day, a day off work, and the closing of a fantastic week with Randy. He helped me bake, by which I mean he spent most of the time sitting in his office chair reading instructions while I ran frantically around the kitchen. However, he did make an excellent photographer, and we played Wii while cake parts were baking and cooling and freezing, so it ended up being a lovely late afternoon together.

This week's recipe was New Orleans Chocolate Cake, chosen by Dr. Robinson at the time as a way to celebrate the city of New Orleans and honor the growing number of victims from Hurricane Katrina, which was pounding the city of New Orleans and the surrounding area at this time during her Year of Cake. Purposely or not, this declaration now forever associates this cake with the memory of that event. Once one has read the chapter, one can never make this cake without remembering for a brief moment the devastation and those who were lost in the horrible storm.

My feelings going into making this cake, however, could not be more opposite. There is no great tragedy in my life right now, and aside from the sadness slowly sneaking in as my impending departure drew nearer, this week had been full of joy and I was ready to celebrate. And this was the perfect cake. It was complicated, and I had to cheat a little--the recipe includes instructions to make a homemade chocolate pudding filling, but I used a box of Jello pudding mix. I didn't have the space, equipment (2 double boilers?!), or time necessary to take on making both a pudding and a cake, and I wanted to keep things simple and easy, so we could enjoy the baking process and being together without getting frustrated over first-time pudding-making.

If my infidelity to the recipe had any negative impact, it was impossible to tell. This was honestly the best cake I have ever eaten. The chocolate cake itself is moist and rich, likely from the addition of sour cream. A simple, light whipped cream frosting makes the perfect topping, adding just a bit of texture and flavor contrast without overwhelming or taking away from the cake itself. And the pudding filling adds a pleasant little surprise right in the center. We added sprinkles again for a splash of color, and helped ourselves to giant pieces, which we ate sitting in bed watching Star Wars (the original ones, not the lame new ones). I'm fairly certain I can't think of a better way to spend an evening than devouring a huge piece of indescribably delicious chocolate cake while lounging in pajamas in front of the TV in a sea of pillows and blankets. I'm so glad I ended up making this cake while I was up in Princeton, not only because I know that Randy really liked it as well, but because the whole experience definitely wouldn't have been as fun, or as meaningful, without him. Maybe the cake wouldn't even have tasted as good (although honestly, it's so amazing, I kind of doubt it :-p). I will definitely be making this cake again. It's worth the effort. Maybe next time I'll get brave and try making my own pudding.

I successfully completed two traveling Cake Days. It will be nice to be back in my own kitchen for the next one, but I'm going to miss my Cake Mate bunches. (P.S. We don't usually dress alike, I swear. In particular, we don't usually dress like twin bums. Pajamas, remember?)

9/17/11 Best Cake Ever reprise: My friend had her birthday this week, so I told her I'd make her a cake and gave her a choice of any that I've made so far. After hearing me rave about this one, it was an easy choice. So I made it again and took it to our Mexican Margarita party. We caused quite a ruckus in the restaurant with our singing and cake with 40 candles (she's not actually anywhere near 40; in fact she's not even 30 yet). It was a huge hit, and we left the rest for our waiters, as a thank-you for putting up with our group and the free round of birthday tequila shots! Seriously... this is the best cake ever.

1 comment:

  1. Randy is clearly a sprinkle fiend - cakes, rice crispy treats, nonpareils.
